Scouting at Home:  Summer Series



Even though we are unable to offer in-person camps this summer, we are committed to providing

virtual summer experiences for both our Cub Scouts and Scouts, BSA. 

Our Camping Team has developed a variety of programs that will fit any scouting families’ schedule.



Mad Science Cub Scout Camp in A Box

Program Contacts:  Stacey Ramos | 

Jessi Mau |



Canceling Camps doesn't mean we are canceling Summer!  We have created a summer-long Virtual Camp Experience for Cub Scouts.  We understand that we will never fully be able to replace the experience of being at Camp Scouthaven or Day Camp, but just because we can’t be together, doesn’t mean we can’t have the BEST SUMMER EVER.  Join us for weekly activities delivered through Google Classroom.  By participating in all 4 sessions your scout can complete requirements for SIX Nova Awards as well as many elective adventures for every rank!  We have included many outdoor activities including Nature Scavenger Hunts, Campsite Challenges, Leave No Trace Activities as well as Pillow Fort Challenges, Games, Crafts, Woodworking, Leatherworking, and skits.  Participants must have access to a Gmail account and all correspondence must be through a parent or guardian 


Cub Scout Camp Pricing:  1 Session- $70, 2 Sessions- $130, 3 sessions- $190, 4 sessions- $250


Registration Link | Click Here


Do you have an incoming Lion Cub?
We have just the program for you! We have compiled the most age-appropriate activities for your Almost Kindergartener.
Click Here for more details!  


Young Braves Summer Adventure (YBSA)
Program Contact: Chris Matthewson |

We are introducing this new and exciting endeavor by our Summer Camp Program Staff & Alumni for the Summer of 2020. YBSA has been created to benefit the traditional 1st to 3rd-year camper at Scout BSA Camps. We’re concentrating on topics that can be addressed virtually for the Scout to First Class Ranks. Also included are some other fun additions to that program including special guest appearances along the way.


One of our primary goals of this virtual program show is to help our Arrow of Lights and families transfer easier into Scout units, as we know they are missing that valuable first-year summer camp. We’re striving to help our younger Scouts build confidence in their abilities and to help our valuable leaders carry on the Scouting program. 


Our team researched a lot of what other council programs are doing.  We don’t want to be repetitive in our own program offering. We came up with a “TV show” style format that will bring you segments filmed at our camps, while covering the program young Scouts need as they grow in Scouting. These segments will help provide some knowledge, give “pro” tips, and help Scouts become more confident as they return to their units after this “pause”.  And most of all, they will be FUN!  


We will look at becoming a Scout and cover fun learning programs like Camping, Cooking, Fishing, Woods Tools, Fire Building, Wilderness Survival, on and on!! We will check in with our friends from different areas of Scouting like High Adventure Programs, Jamboree, Order of the Arrow, and our own Scout Shop and Council Staff. 


This program will run from 7/20 to 8/17.  45-60 minute segments will premiere three times each week.  In addition, once weekly we’ll provide a “live interactive” segment with our staff.  Once segments premiere, they will be accessible at your convenience anytime.  We hope you all will join us in helping keep the Light of Scouting lit this summer, though we cannot meet in person. See you at the Young Braves Summer Adventure!



Tentative Program Guide | Click Here


Registration Link | Click Here


Cost:  $115 including 1 Free Merit Badge Registration



Virtual Merit Badges
Program Contact:  Josh Stellrecht |

This summer we will be offering a variety of Merit Badges Virtually!  There will be four week-long (Monday to Friday) sessions of offerings starting 7/20 and ending 8/17.  We are in the process of recruiting staff and establishing a schedule. More information about how these badges are run are included below.

Each Merit Badge Class is offered at a cost of $20 per participant.  At the end of the summer, blue cards will be issued to each unit.  These items will be available in September in each unit’s folder at the Richard E. Garman Scouting Center.  Out of Council Units will have items mailed to them.  

Information about Google Classroom and other important class notes will be emailed out by the Sunday proceeding your class.


Registration Packet | Click Here


Registration Link | Closed


Merit Badge Schedule | Click Here

Updated 7/18/20


Citizenship in the Community Packet | Click Here

Communication Merit Badge Packet | Click Here

Registration Questions & Camperships

Please contact Dick Hanaburgh at for assistance with registration.  There is also limited funding available for Camperships (Financial Assistance) for these programs.  Inquires should also be directed to Dick Hanaburgh.